Althaea officinalis Linn - خطمی

Family: Malvaceae
Arabic Name(s): Khatmi, Khatmitah
Urdu Name(s): Khatmi, Gul Khairo, خطمی
English Name(s): Marsh Mallow

Parts Used
Root, seeds and flowers.

Warm, inclined towards balanced temperament.

Functions and Properties (Pharmacological Actions)
Emollient, demulcent, suppurative, expectorant, mucilaginous, repercussive. Reduces inflammation and irritation of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract as well as of the urinary passages. Its action is referred as mechanical in as much as it forms a soft smooth covering over the inflamed or irritated parts with which it comes in contact and thus protects them from friction, and allows the process of repair to go on undisturbed.

Specific Action
Suppurative, repercussive, emollient, expectorant.

Medicinal Uses
Marsh Mallow is recommended as an expectorant for cough and to relieve pharynx and chest congestion. Infusion of the flowers given in bronchial catarrh and in bronchitis. Roots are used as demulcent in bronchitis and seeds as useful in kidney and bladder troubles. Leaves and flowers are also applied to burns. In bilious diarrhoea, infusion of the root is of utmost use. Due to its repercussive and resolvent actions, prescribed in sciatica, rheumatism, pleurisy, pneumonia and chest congestion, and in catarrhs of pectoral (infectious or environmental origin) or cephalic regions, as suppurative and expectorant in (the condition of flu, nasal catarrh, headache, indigestion, etc.) it acts as decongestant, and emollient.

Compound Preparations
Laooq Sapistan, Joshanda, Banadiq-al-Bazur, Dawai Aab Zan, Matbokh Nazla, Joshina, Sherbet Ustukhudus, Laooq Mo'tadil, Laooq Nazla, Marham Dakhliyun.

5 g.

Honey and fennel (Foeniculum vulgareMill.).

Khubazi(Malva sylvestrisLinn.)

Long-term use or large doses may cause some harm to stomach due to its collection/resolution of turbid matter (malhumours) from pectoral region and expectoration through the digestive tract.