Allium Cepa Linn. - Piyaz - Onion

Family: Liliaceae
Arabic Name(s): Bizr Basal
Urdu Name(s): Piyaz, Basr, Basal, پیاز
English Name(s): Onion
Parts Used
Bulbs and seeds.
Warm and dry in first-order/warm in the third order, dry in the first order with moistness.
Functions and Properties (Pharmacological Actions)
Resolvent and suppurative, expectorant, detersive, aphrodisiac, deobstruent, antidotary, diuretic, and emmenagogue. Externally stimulant and rubefacient. Roasted acts as demulcent internally as well as externally to indolent ulcers, bruises etc., intestinal and urinary antiseptic with mild action, promote bile production, reduce blood sugar, stimulate intestinal smooth musculature and uterus.
Specific Action
Aphrodisiac and suppurative (for inflammations).
Medicinal Uses
For obtaining resolvent action on inflammation, onion is kept in a dry warm atmosphere and then applied under the bandage. As detersive its water is used for bruising the suitable medicines applied in leucoderma and vitiligo. To open the blind hemorrhoids tied over the piles. Extract of onion with calcium carbonate is said to be effective in cholera. In vinegar onion sliced and taken is said to prevent epidemic attacks. Extract in honey when applied as collyrium clears the vision and eyes. Bulbs are regarded as useful in fever, dropsy, catarrh, and chronic bronchitis, in colic and scurvy mixed with common salt and administered prove useful. Extract is dropped warm into ears relieve earache. Mixed with mustard oil in equal quantity it is a good application to rheumatic pains and other inflammatory swellings.
Compound Preparations
Jawarish Zar'uni Ambari Ba Nuskha Kalan, Arq Ananas, Arq Hazim, Lubub al-Asrar, Lubub Kabir, Ma'jun Piyaz, Ma'jun Raig Mahi, Ma'jun Murawwehul-Arwah, Ma'jun Muqawwi wa Mumsik.
Seeds 1 to 3 g. (approximately), onion juice: 24-36 g. (approximately).
Vinegar, salt, honey, pomegranate extract.
Allium ascaloniumLinn. (Gandana).
The bulbs used around the world as vegetable and salad as an article of nutrition.