Achyranthes Aspera Linn. - Charchitah

Achyranthes aspera Linn.
Syn.: Achyranthes indica Linn.,
Centrostachys aspera (L.) Stanley;
Achyranthes aspera forma robustioides Suss.
Family: Amaranthaceae
Arabic Name(s): Charchita Ashneen, Atsheerul-Tahis, چرچٹہ آشنین
Urdu Name(s): Charchitah, Khardar-Guna, Pathkanda, چرچٹہ، پھٹکنڈا، خاردار گونا
Abat-Kandari, Charchutta
English Name(s): Prickly Chaff Flower
Parts Used
Above ground parts.
Warm and dry in the second order.
Functions and Properties (Pharmacological Actions)
Astringent carminative, diuretic, alterative, antiperiodic, stomach tonic, resolvent, purgative. Seeds - emetic; root - astringent. Expectorant, blood purifier. Regarded as useful (especially root) for insect bites.
Specific Action
Useful against insect bites, to resolve suppurating tumours in the armpits and bloody piles, antimalarial.
Medicinal Uses
Decoction of the root and twigs is effective against stomach ache, flatulence, colic, dropsy, ringworm and other skin eruptions. In bloody piles the prickly chaff flower and leaves (6 grams) with some black peppers are bruised and their infusion is given in recommended doses. Paste of leaves (a bit warm) applied over the paralyzed parts of the body proves useful. Paste of root in water is also useful when applied over the suppurating swellings. Decoction of root and leaves is effective against renal dropsies, general anasarca, bowel complaints and piles. In the early stages of diarrhoea and dysentery powdered leaves with honey are useful. For primary syphilitic sores, fresh juice mixed with little opium (or seeds of Papaver somniferumLinn.) is administered for relief. Infusion of the root is useful mild astringent in bowel complaints. Seeds soaked overnight in milk then ground into emulsion and administered in biliousness. Ash of root and honey regarded as effective for cough. Ash of whole herb in camel milk is useful against dropsy, bilious cough and stomach ache.
Compound Preparations
Kushta Sam ul-Far (Kushta Sankhia), Kushta Shangraf, Kushta Hartal Warqi.
5 to 7 g.
Piper nigrumLinn. and honey.
Jawakhar(Potassium carbonate).
Suppresses appetite, large doses may cause abortion.